Dear loobles,
We will be flying through a patch turbulence over the next few weeks as we transition to our new homeland of
During this time we will be experiencing some technical difficulties. If you are a fan, estranged relative or user of looble, your life will likely be rendered miserable as a result of this.
My bad.
What will be broken on
Everything will be broken.
Bookmarks won’t work, images won’t load, downloads will fail, links won’t lead you to a destination. Looble will temporarily be in ruins.
Looble will be a vast wasteland of internet scuzzlefilth.
How long will looble be broken? Can you fix it?!
The path forward is littered with challenges and idiosynchronism – terrible beauty of existence, subjectivity, futility and meaninglessness.
Looble will rise to the occasion…
Looble will emerge from the blanket of darkness that is tightly wound around it’s throat…
Looble will not be slapped by a large trout…
Dude, I just want to know if you can fix it…
Yes, I can fix it.
Things should be back to normal within a month.
And all this drama because the website is moving from to
But don’t worry. Looble got back.