Wait one minute… what the heck is wRisk? How can taking over the world lead to an open source Battle City?
wRisk is a Java version of the classic game of world domination, Risk. Sounds cool! It is. But, don’t pat us loobles on the back, thank Yura.net, developers of the Open Source Domination project. Pay them a visit and shake their virtual hands. Yes, we stole their code and renamed it wRisk. This may make us evil blood sucking leeches, but that is the beauty of open source. Today we are villains, but tomorrow we are heroes when we give back to the project!
What does this have to do with Battle City? At this point, absolutely nothing! However, take note that we are far more than evil leeches; we are loobles. We think above, we go beyond, we scheme and we code. Enter Ggz.
Ggz is an online gaming center based on free open source software. It has an integrated player ranking system, spectator mode and a surrounding chat system. In a nutshell, it’s a portal, a metaserver. Our goal? If someone starts a multiplayer game of wRisk/Domination, that game is then listed in the central portal. That would be awesome wouldn’t it? Of course it would. Lonely nights playing by yourself would be a thing of the past.
How does this help Battle City? Think about it. If ggz works with wRisk, we can try it with Battle City. Anybody could host their own Battle City server with their own maps and customizations. All servers would talk back to the metaserver, stats would be kept in the central database. There could be a newbie server, classic server, duel server, league server. There could be maps with only two CC’s or maps where the Mayor drops the Command Center anywhere…
Why don’t we let people host their own Battle City servers now? Because it would fragment the already small community. With the portal, all players would remain connected. All servers would be listed in the portal. It would be like the meeting room, except instead of a city list, you would have a server list. Joining a server would be like joining a game, you would immediately enter as a spectator and have the option to join a team or start your own.
It’s a dream, it’s a big dream, but it starts right here, right now, taking over the world with wRisk.