Open Source Games
Battle City
Battle City is a free online tank wars game. Players ride a tank, build a city and destroy the enemy. The purpose of the game is to “Orb” the enemy by dropping the Orb on their Command Center. When you successfully Orb the enemy their entire base is destroyed and you earn points! You start off as a Private but will receive promotions as you earn more and more points.
Dropping the Orb on the enemy Command Center will not be easy as you will first need to Bomb buildings and destroy your opponents defensive infrastructure. For obvious reasons, the Command Center is always heavily guarded so teamwork will be essential if you hope to achieve victory!
Looble Tags: Battle City
Development Tools
The Eclipse project is aimed at providing a universal toolset for development. It is a free open source IDE, with strong support for JAVA.
Looble Tags: eclipse
NetBeans is a fully-featured open source Java IDE written completely in Java, with many modules available, such as debugger, form editor, object browser, CVS and more.
Looble Tags: netbeans
Notepad++ is a free open source Notepad replacement and source code editor. Fast and lightweight making it perfect for quick editing of files.
Looble Tags: notepad
FileZilla is a free open source FTP client and server. An FTP client is used to connect to an FTP server to upload or download files on that server.
Looble Tags: filezilla
Subversion (svn) is a version control system. It is used to maintain current and historical versions of files such as source code, web pages, and documentation.
Looble Tags: subversion
Graphics Tools
GIMP (GNU Image Manipulation Program) is a free tool for image retouching, composition and authoring. It is designed to be augmented with plug-ins and extensions to do just about anything for your graphic needs.
Looble Tags: gimp
Sound and Audio Tools
Audacity is a free, open source software for recording and editing sounds in Linux, Mac OS X, Windows and more.
Looble Tags: audacity
Useful Links
A directory of open source Java software.
Developer resources for Java technology.
Many source code samples to help educate beginners on many concepts.
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