Have you just discovered a mysterious SQLDebugger Windows User Account on your system? Are you wondering what the heck it’s doing there or maybe how it even got there? Have you been thinking about just deleting the SQLDebugger account and crossing your fingers that this does not lead to any nasty side effects?
If any of this sounds familiar, keep reading!
If you’re not running an SQL Server and have no plans of doing any SQL Server Debugging, then go ahead and just delete the SQLDebugger account, it’s safe to do so!
The SQLDebugger Windows user account is created when the SQL Debugger Registry2 DCOM server process (Sqldbreg2.exe) is registered. If you’ve installed SQL Server, then this process will be registered and therefore the SQLDebugger Windows user account will be created on your system. This account is used for connecting to a database server for debugging purposes. In such a case, you may actually want to keep the user account… But what if you haven’t even installed SQL Server… What the heck is SQLDebugger doing on your computer then?
Microsoft Visual Studio .NET applications use SQL Server Debugging to debug SQL Server stored procedures. So guess what that means? If you’ve installed Microsoft Visual Studio .NET, then you’ll have the SQLDebugger Windows user account created on your machine, even if you have no intentions of ever using it. While there is no danger in keeping the SQLDebugger account around, since it was created without your permission or without you even knowing about it and since it serves no purpose unless you are doing database debugging, JUST DELETE IT!